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Straw Hat Bangora - Leather and Rope Band, Gr. S/M
Straw Hat Bangora - Leather and Rope Band, Gr. S/M

Startseite » V/A » V/A Gonna Make It Alone - Brexit Rockers
V/A Gonna Make It Alone - Brexit Rockers
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V/A Gonna Make It Alone - Brexit Rockers

V/A Gonna Make It Alone - Brexit Rockers

Now it's getting serious: In the midst of the imponderables of the British exit from the EU. With a tongue firmly in the cheek through music this album has a humorous approach to the political uncertainty caused by the Brexit fiasco. The 24 songs on this Atomicat album are in no way political, they are fun rock 'n' roll songs, but the titles fit well with the situation. The Right Honorable Windbag Sir Insel Affe, through the song titles tells the 'egg- traordinary' saga of the situation. What is certain, politics and politicians divide people and nations, Europe is under threat. The last hope to stop the destruction of Europe, lay in our heads and the power of music, for Rock 'n' Roll music unites people.


1. The Rumblers - I Don't Need You No More 2. Billy Fury - Gonna Type A Letter 3. Skeets McDonald - Don't Push Me Too Far 4. Faron Young - We're Talking It Over 5. The Whips - She Done Me Wrong 6. Norman Bullock With The Southerneers - Lies, Lies, Lies 7. Tommy Steele - Singing The Blues 8. Jackie Lee Cochran - Pity Me 9. Screamin' Jay Hawkins - There's Something Wrong With You 10. Bo Diddley - Crackin Up 11. The Penguins - Promises, Promises, Promises 12. Cliff Bennett And The Rebel Rousers - When I Get Paid 13. Humphrey Lyttelton and his Band - Bad Penny Blues 14. George Jones - No Money In This Deal 15. Larry Page - Under Control 16. Bill Swing - Messed Up 17. Duke Dickson - Walking Shoes 18. Jim Gatlin - The Way You're Treatin' Me 19. Ricky Dee and The Embers - Work Out 20. Sherree Scott - Easy Payments 21. Big John Greer - Your Cash Ain't Nothing But Trash 22. George Jones - Revenoor Man 23. Jerry Bryan and The Houndogs - I'm Walking Out On You 24. Dion - Gonna Make It Alone

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